Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Words of Wisdom Wednesday

Have you noticed that to be an official blog you need to have catchy titles that use alliteration and the day of the week? 'Member that time Monday; Tasty Tuesday; Watchu Talkin' 'Bout Wills Wednesday; Thankful Thursday; Fast Fact Friday; Sensual Saturday; Sinless Sunday - you get the picture. The trick of the catchy blog titles is that they require a consistent posting of that subject on that day of the week. My problem is not the catchy title - but that consistency. So, faithful followers of four, you may or may not get Words of Wisdom every Wednesday.

Without any further ado, here is the wisdom today:

"Stay hydrated!"

Today is a scorcher, even by Tucson standards. We are projected to reach 110...or higher. In fact, for the next week, we will by in the triple digits. Next Monday and Tuesday had 111 under them. Seriously. My favorite part of the weather report, though, is the anchors' commentary following.
Anchor 1: Geesh! That is going to be a warm one.
Anchor 2: That's right. Be safe out there.
Weatherman:  Yes, you all know what to do, though, you live here! Drink lots of water.
Anchor 1:  That's right: stay hydrated!

I love water. Ask my friends, I drink my share of water. Last week, though, I needed some variety.
It hit me: I live in ARIZONA: SUN TEA! 
Then, it hit me again: I married an amazing man who owns a sun tea jar!
Then, it hit me again: That same amazing man only has black tea, but my amazing Tucson aunt brought me some flavored tea when I was sick in February and my amazing friend gave me some random orange tea!

Last week, I made my first variety of sun tea: 3 large Lipton tea bags with one small Tazo sweet, wild orange tea bag and one small Trader Joe's mint tea bag. The result? Delicious and refreshing! A thirst quencher with a little zang!

Today, heeding the warnings from this morning's news crew, I made round 2: 3 large Liptons with two Trader Joe's organic pear/ginger. A little burst of sweetness in every swallow.

In summary, folks, it's a hot one out there: stay hydrated!

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